Thursday, April 14, 2016

Observations of a new author


That is a wonderful word to me. Something I've been aspiring to... forever.

Now it's been a week since I held the first real copies of my book in my hands--truly satisfying. Here's some of what I'm feeling and learning:

  1. Wow. All those hours behind the computer for two years have produced fruit. It feels good to have poured my soul into this very worthwhile project.
  2. The hours writing were so therapeutic.
  3. Whenever I didn't know how to proceed, God opened the door to what would be next. After I took the first steps, the momentum carried me. 
  4. My fears (which caused me to procrastinate) were unfounded. Abiding is the answer.
  5. I wish I'd had the courage to do this earlier, yet I know the timing is right now. It took years to cultivate the skills, live the story and step back for perspective. Honestly, I would not have taken the time away from being with Ted, so when could I have written a book?
  6. I've felt new bonding with those I've involved in the project. What great people God has blessed me with.
  7. How great it is to connect with people again after spending so much time at a keyboard. I'm going to enjoy the relationships along the way.
  8. So many have given heartwarming feedback already and told me how it has helped or changed them. It is truly a treasure to be used by God this way. 
  9. I didn't know I worked with so many Christians. This experience has enhanced relationships around me already. 
  10. I finally know what I'm supposed to be doing. (More of this. There is confirmation all around.)

Even now as I sit down to reflect and write, "It is Well with My Soul" is playing on my radio. It was one of Ted's favorite hymns (we chose it for his funeral). I know Ted is pleased with this accomplishment. Oh, it certainly is well with my soul, too!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, God, for where you have taken me. I love you with all my heart.