Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Influence, with grace

Today I was reminded of the old parable of the blind men and the elephant. As the story goes, some blind men came upon an elephant, a creature they had never before encountered. Each began to describe the elephant from his own point of "view" -- what he felt and experienced. 

The man by the trunk said that an elephant must be like a snake. The man feeling its broad side said that it surely is more like a wall. The third man touched the tusk and thought it seemed like some sort of horn, instrument, or tool. Each thought the others were way off base in their thinking...

In reality, all had a piece of truth, but all were wrong, because no one had the whole truth.

That reminds me of today's world. Some feel very strongly one way and try to share so that everyone can understand. Others feel just as strongly another way, and emotions can run strong. Just as in the story, each of us is a bit right, and a bit wrong. Each of us could learn something from the others.

Collectively we can all contribute, if we share our influence with grace, if we leave room to learn more. But only God sees the BIG picture of how this whole season will shake out and what the answer is to move us forward. 

Lord, I pray we would humble ourselves and look to you for direction, strength, and perseverance. Your thoughts and your ways are so high above ours. I believe you have a plan to bring good out of this. Would you enable us to treat others with kindness and grace? Would you help us to seek your wisdom, to trust your timing, and be open to what you want to teach us?

[Picture is Blind Men Appraising an Elephant by Ohara Donshu, 19th century, public domain as seen in Brooklyn Museum.]