Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Many crowns

If you are struggling under difficult things now, did you know you could be earning a crown?

Recently while listening to Billy Graham’s funeral service, I wondered how long it will be before Jesus comes back for us. The thought thrills me and gives me new bursts of energy – it makes me want to dance – and, do all I can to be ready! It inspired me to reread about Heaven and end times.

The Bible tells about five heavenly crowns we can earn throughout our lifetime… for consistently practicing discipline and self-control (1 Cor. 9:24-27), for eagerly awaiting the Lord’s coming and living righteously in light of that (2 Tim. 4:8), for faithfully persevering under the trials and tests of life (James 1:12; Rev. 2:10), for winning others to Christ (1 Thess. 2:19), and for pastors and church leaders who lovingly shepherd their flocks (1 Pet. 5:1-4).

These crowns are to be given out when we as believers face the judgment seat after Jesus comes back for us. Thinking about the crowns inspires me to greater patience, discipline and purpose.

This judgment seat is not to determine where we will spend eternity, because by accepting Him as Lord, our destiny has already been decided. Thank you, Jesus! 

At this bema judgment, Jesus will review our conduct for our entire lives since we became Christ followers. All our service, sacrifice and sins will appear in their true light, along with every empty word spoken (Matt. 12:36). Jesus will review the thoughts and motives behind everything and reward each accordingly.

The thought of reliving every thoughtless mistake I’ve made in my lifetime is agonizing. But our Lord and King is lavish in grace. I remember that He loved us so much He gave His life, so we can know He will be fully fair, impartial and merciful in dealing with each of us.

Whatever crowns we will be awarded will not be for our own use in displaying or comparing. They will be ours to cast to the feet of the Magnificent King on His throne, so that we can worship Him more fully. Thus, the song, “Crown Him with Many Crowns” takes on its meaning.

“Crown Him with many crowns / The Lamb upon His throne / Hark! How the heavenly anthem drowns / all music but its own / Awake, my soul, and sing / of Him who died for thee / and hail Him as thy matchless King / through all eternity!” 

The original 1851 hymn includes twelve beautiful verses, the first six written by Matthew Bridges, followed by six more penned by Godfrey Thring. Imagine how many church assemblies have sung this song in its original form or in the many rearranged versions in all the years since! See a joyous example of many voices joined in singing it at the GMA Dove Awards.

Reading, singing and thinking about the crowns and the judgment motivate me to make the most of my time, my thoughts and my words. I don’t want to miss out on what could be – here on earth or in Heaven.

Who knows? Maybe today He will come back for us!

Oh Lord, I so look forward to the day every knee will bow, the day eternity begins. Let your glory fill the temple, let your power overflow. The grave cannot contain you for you wear the Victor's Crown. Hallelujah, you overcome!

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