Ting. Tickety-tock. Ah-ROO-gah. WOO-hoo.
Whatever the sound of your digital alert, you probably have an immediate recognition and hasty response to that sound. It is effective in cutting through the clutter and drawing us away from whatever we are doing. Even if our task at hand is important, we learn to multi-task to take in that new message. Our curiosity is keenly piqued as we wonder, "who is it?" and "what's up?"
But what if God would use social media to get our attention…
Would He text, "Let's meet up" or "Send me some times that would work for you"?
Would He "Like" everything we post to show His support? (We can be sure we are flagged as His "favorites"!)
Would He send His wisdom in careful prose and ask us to share with others?
Would He share a story and tag us in His comment? Would he surround it with hashtags to get our attention?
Would He answer our posts with specific emojis (and might we consult the emojipedia to ensure we interpreted His meaning correctly)?
What if He took selfies with us so we'd see how we are made in His image? Share albums of times we've been together? Repost memories to show how we've grown? Back His words with the powerful orchestra of the heavenly hosts? Would we pay attention, or would we keep scrolling to see what else is out there?
What if He'd post a video that professes His unfailing love… "I will never leave you or forsake you… I know the plans I have for you, plans to proper you and not to harm you… I will work all things together for good for those who love me… I want you to have life and have it in abundance… All things are possible with me…"
What if God would say, "Why are you looking here for love, affirmation and fulfillment? I am the Lord your God and I long for your undivided attention – for a few precious moments each day. I gave you my holy Word to guide you in all your ways. Come to me and I will give you rest and refreshing. My grace is sufficient. My mercies are new every morning. Great is my faithfulness. I give immeasurably more than all you could ask or imagine. I am the Lord your God, open wide your mouth and I will fill it!"
He IS saying those things to me, to us, every day.
Listen for it.
Look for it.
Long for it.
Lord, I pray that I would not get so sidetracked by social media and the call of the digital age. Help me preserve more space and more quiet to be sensitive to YOUR voice in my life. Alert me to those things that are YOUR priorities. Guide me in your wisdom. Let my spirit be attentive to you and infused with your love. Thank you for revealing yourself through your Word, through music, through nature, through believers, through community...