Tuesday, February 13, 2018

14 Treasures of LOVE

Ted loved celebrating milestones, and this Feb. 14th would have been our 14th wedding anniversary. So, in a followup to the post about how YOU inspire me, I share 14 ways my husband inspired me with his love.
  1. Opening doors, remembering details. He lived each day like it was a date.
  2. Reverence for God. He reserved the word “awesome” for God alone.
  3. Making eye contact, being present in the moment, not rushing. It told me there was no place he'd rather be.
  4. Appreciating the details in the colorful sunsets, full moon, fresh snow, sparkling waters, new blossoms… and thanking God for all these things.
  5. Planning adventures – volunteering, traveling, trying a new recipe, cross-country skiing, hiking a quiet trail, watching for wildlife. He was full of ideas.
  6. Sharing the load. Even the most perplexing decisions or unpleasant work became easier when we worked together.
  7. Daily reading God’s Word and praying together -- it brought great strength to us as a couple.
  8. Being intentional in spending time as a family. He was both playful and purposeful. 
  9. Encouraging me to use my gifts first (like writing or creating), rather than pushing them to the end of my to-do list.
  10. Selflessness. Like the time we hiked Logan's Pass (even with his painful bone spurs) because he didn't want me to miss the view.
  11. Trusting God through the “gray areas,” because things are not always black and white and resolved quickly.
  12. Patience. The man had incredible patience. I love that I now see that quality in each of his sons.
  13. Focus. With time and attention, actions and words, he let me know every day that he loved me. There was no need to feel threatened or jealous.
  14. He respected me and believed in me, and in so doing, he gave me confidence to be my best. 

Thank you wise and wonderful God that you gave me this man for even the short time we had. Now I can carry these treasures forever.

For more treasures in our life together, read Life, Love and Loss.