Monday, December 7, 2020

20 things to learn from 2020

No doubt, this has been a most unusual year! But amidst pain and confusion, sickness and sacrifice, a stronger and wiser spirit emerges. Let this not be wasted, but let us grow from our experiences rather than lock a rough year behind us forever. Here are some observations about what we might learn from 2020:

1. My greatest angst has been my dad's isolation from family as he remains locked down in assisted living. One of the first things I learned was that many things are out of my control! But it led me to realize that I can trust that God is always in control, and He loves Dad even more than I ever could. He is Lord over all and working things out for good, even when we can't see it now.

2. It's been a year to "reset," to strip away idols (i.e., objects of extreme devotion, symbols of worship)... to be without things I thought I couldn't do without. I've found blessings in redefining my security, reprioritizing my time, and repurposing my resources.

3. I am learning to be flexible and adaptable, and to embrace change; to hold plans loosely because things can change overnight.

4. All of us have had to make sacrifices for the sake of the vulnerable. Each of us knows someone vulnerable to motivate that response. We have given up things that were hugely important to us -- but not without purpose.

5. I have sharpened my creativity and been inspired by others... new ways to connect; new patterns, recipes, insights, and inventions; clever celebrations of birthdays, weddings, and holidays... With collaborations of ingenuity happening from around the world, the spirit of resourcefulness is alive and well.

6. I am learning new things to help my health and boost my immune system (and test my discipline). This year has been a good reminder to actually do the things I have been intending.

7. Even in a year with many things taken away, I have an abundance of reasons to be thankful. Gratefulness is an accurate perspective; my glass is more full than it is empty. And I reach out in compassion to those who have needs.

8. I am learning to be more discerning, to check my resources before running with new information. Obviously everything I read, see, and hear can not be true.

9. When things seem confusing and chaotic, there are always good leaders and positive resources to learn from. I am thankful that I can look for them, join them, and help spread their wisdom.

10. Despite all the negatives, I can choose to look for the positives, such as whatever is "true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy." (Phil. 4:8) What peace it brings to focus on those things.

11. My heart is heavy with compassion and empathy for those suffering,  grieving, and exhausted. I have cried many tears for those I care about and those working so hard. In the words of Job, "Shall we accept good from God and not trouble? (i.e., Is God only worthy of my devotion when He does things my way?) As difficult as things may be, nothing can separate us from His love.

12. We should not think it strange when we suffer grief in all kinds of trials for it refines our faith (1 Peter 1:6-7); makes us mature and complete (James 1:2-4); produces character and hope (Romans 5:3-4). It is hard... but hang in there.

13. Getting through a global pandemic will require perseverance, an esteemed quality that builds over time under resistance. We have many longsuffering examples in the Bible as inspiration.

14. We were made for something bigger than ourselves. My plans and purposes have changed, but when I redirect my energy to new causes and passions outside of myself, my joy returns amidst the challenges.

15. Evil and injustice seem to thrive for a time, but we can entrust ourselves to the One who judges justly (1 Peter 2:23) i.e., We can forgive and leave the judging to God.

16. When I grumble, I am only adding to the darkness. When I reach out to love others and help find fruitful solutions, I can be shining light.

17. Even if I can't do anything else to help, I can pray. When we pray, we are calling on the Highest Name, the Holy God, the only one who can change the present situation. Whether He chooses to change things, or change us through it, either way we win with prayer.

18. We are diverse creations. We all see things differently and there is much yet to learn. We can look outward and upward, and commit to being patient as we work out the details.

19. We will get through this together. It will take the collective skills and cooperation of many. I pledge to bring my best efforts each day.

20. This will only last for a season -- and with the vaccines, there is light at the end of the tunnel. We can't go back; we can't leap forward. We can only live intentionally in it day by day and learn from it in ways that will glorify God.

Wishing you all the blessings of a quiet, reflective Christmas. May you carry Christ's love and light to make it a refreshing new year. 

Monday, May 11, 2020

Lockdown learnings

It's Day 60 and this is what I see:

We’re learning to let go of what we can’t control – which is most of it! I do what I can and leave the rest to God.

We are learning to communicate more, maybe better, with those most dear in our lives. Whether through Zoom, Skype, video call, visiting through a closed glass door, on a porch or in a driveway, we are adapting – using new technologies and going back to old ones.

I notice we are more focused, appreciative for the technology, looking into faces, and respectfully aware of taking turns in conversation, and drawing out the quieter voices.

Many have the gift of free time for projects, like home organization, cleanup, yard improvements, or artistic creations. Some take the time for additional rest or self-care. We might be getting outside more, trying new hiking trails. We might be eating better because there are fewer temptations (only what I brought in the house). Some are trying new recipes, doing various forms of exercise, starting different routines.

We can choose good content in online bible studies, inspirational classes, or virtual tours of national parks, museums, and resorts. Some take advantage of regular family movie or game times.

It seems we are reinventing creativity – or at least revisiting it. What meal can I make with the groceries I have left? How can we celebrate birthdays or anniversaries (or Easter or Mother’s Day) while staying safer at home? What things can we take apart to use the fabric or elastic? How can I repurpose this item?

Some express themselves through music, artwork, photography, and humor to cheer others and uplift spirits. When we’re tired of being alone, we look outward to see how we can encourage others in quarantine.

In spite of greater personal space or social distancing, we are closing that gap by showing love. We greet one another on the walking trails and thank people for serving us in the “essential” jobs, when we may have previously overlooked those courtesies. We wrap the neighborhood in hope and healing with chalk messages in our driveways and colored hearts in windows and doors.

We are learning to be more discerning about the many conflicting messages in the media. This may mean setting better boundaries or using more restraint. We check our sources, do our research, and don’t believe everything we see or read. We choose reliable resources to stay informed and live with faith, not fear.

We learn to give grace and show compassion because there are many who have experienced greater changes and losses than our own. A multitude of emotions are present in many different situations, and we do well to be patient and overlook a few misspoken words. We can listen kindly and share strength.

It warms my heart to see more people joining in prayer, providing a steadfast example, and generously giving. The spirit of humanity is alive and well as we rise to this challenge. If we are open, we soon will find we have grown in some deeper dimension and learned great things of lasting value.

It is a time to live out the fullness of our faith. Especially in these uncertain days, one thing is constant: God is ever near and His love is unfailing. This time of pause can refine us and bring out the best – a stronger commitment, more unity, generosity, humility, and resiliency – so that we can emerge and evolve to a better place together.

Our Loving Father, I pray you would change me, change us, change our world through this pandemic lockdown. May it not be wasted, but bring forth the change You want to see. Amen.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Choose faith over fear

A virus sweeping its way around the globe? A few weeks ago could we have imagined what was coming, along with its many impacts? Do we have any idea of what is ahead? It can be unsettling… until we turn our eyes back to God. Then it becomes very encouraging.

He is sovereign and in control of all. His Word is full of promises to His believers. We can have peace, hope, and even joy – in the midst of all this!

I don’t mean to minimize the suffering, grief, and loss that will in some way touch each of us in the coming curve, if enough people don’t heed the serious warnings. Some of my loved ones are most certainly in the elderly and vulnerable categories. Some of them are in the frontline serving others. Some have been in public places and have been exposed without knowing. And this causes great concern.

But we can’t live in fear about what will happen, watching the news, tuning in to social media for the latest numbers and the nearest confirmed cases, all day long. Fear and anxiety come from trying to project the future with what we see now. But we don’t see what God sees. His thoughts and ways are so high above ours (Is. 55: 8-9). His Word is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path (Ps. 119:105). He is all powerful. He can take even the worst evil and turn it to good (Gen. 50:20), so this situation is certainly in Good Hands.

Faith and fear cannot coexist. I choose faith. I choose to dwell in the shelter of the Most High, to rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” (Ps. 90:1-2)

There is no God before Him. We don’t trust in chariots or horses, we trust in the Lord our God (Ps. 20:7). We don’t trust in our finances, our material goods, our entertainment, our sports, our jobs – all of that is in the background now, stripped away… but now we can see what is truly important. Our daily agendas have drastically changed.

These times have come so that our faith, which is of greater worth than gold, can be tested, refined, and proved genuine, so that Jesus can be glorified (1 Pet. 1:7).

Now is the time to set apart Christ as Lord and to be prepared to give an answer for our hope—even in the midst of a pandemic (1 Pet. 3:15). Now is the time to be self-controlled and in prayer. We cast all our anxieties on Him because He loves us (1 Pet. 5:7).

Now is the time to be imitators of Christ, to love as He does. This is the message we have heard from the beginning: We should love one another. Dear friends, let us not love not only with words, but with actions and in truth (1 Jn. 3:11, 18).

There is no fear in love. Perfect love drives out fear (1 Jn. 4:18).

I am greatly encouraged when I see the love, the good things, coming out of our present situation: Help is offered in the way of picking up supplies for the elderly and shut-ins, free food is offered for those who need it, babysitting pools are arranged and constructive ideas are shared for kids home from school, healthcare workers are appreciated, grocers and truck drivers are hailed for keeping shelves stocked, family time is enriched, churches are opening their facilities to serve in other ways, people are meeting together online and keeping their Bible studies and ministries going. I could go on and on…

God’s Word tells us not to fear, not to be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, we should present our requests to God. And the peace of God which passes all understanding will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:6-7)

Finally, my friends, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—whatever is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things (Phil. 4:8). Watch for it! There is so much love around, so much good going on, despite the present uncertainty.

There are so many ways of seeing God in our present day.

Father God, I pray that eyes will be opened and hearts will be turned to You. I pray for unity, strength, health, wisdom, and perseverance, especially for those in the frontlines dealing with sick, elderly and vulnerable. I pray for Your peace that passes all understanding even in these uncertain times. Thank You that you can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine (Eph. 3:20). Thank You for Your Presence.