Sunday, October 25, 2009

Only One God

Last night my mind was racing with details and sleep escaped me. Yesterday, we had happily spent hours shopping for cabinets, countertops, hardware, lighting and paint chips to do some long-overdue remodeling of our bathrooms.

Now, all the various colors, patterns and options paraded through my mind like an endless merry-go-round as I listened to the gentle snores of my husband and my dog, in stereo.

If I match this part, then that part will no longer match... What parts can we keep "as is" so that we are being prudent with our resources?... I want color and character, but not anything that's going to quickly become dated... All these thoughts, and many more, revolved around in my head until the excitement of the decisions turned to torment. I was obsessing over making the right choices. I know it is a big investment and we will be looking at the results for quite some time.

As I heard the soft chimes of the antique clock strike midnight and then each quarter hour after that, I agonized over trying to free my mind and realized I had to give these petty distractions over to the Lord.

God, I know that you will help me make good choices at the right time. Right now I need to tell you, there is no God but you. I will not put this project above you; I will not let it keep me from focusing on you. I will not let the enemy tempt me this way. God, you are awesome, and I need more of you right now.

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you. "(Is. 26:3 NIV)

I thought about the word "steadfast," recalled my favorite scriptures about peace and reflected on how God is in control of all. Everything I ever had or ever will have comes from God, and He gives me all I need. I don't need all this detail right now, the one thing I need is God. Finally, I drifted off to sleep...beautiful, restful sleep.

When I awoke, yesterday's events crept back into my consciousness and I had to purposefully "Take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor. 10:5 NIV) so the merry-go-round wouldn't start again. These decisions will be fun, but they need to stay in perspective. There is only one God and I choose to keep Him at the center.

Can you relate? Is there anything distracting you and threatening to push God to the sidelines? Join with me in prayer...

Father God, you are the one and only! Help us keep our focus on you, and let everything else take its proper place. We know you provide for all our needs according to your riches. We love you and trust you on the throne of our lives!

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