Saturday, December 12, 2009

Be Still

Job cuts are right around the corner at work. Will I survive?

So clearly God had led me to this job (see Where He Leads). But it doesn't mean forever... It means I need to trust Him for the next step, too.

It would be a great loss. A job I love and the people I do every day with. I so enjoy my routine. And if I do survive, the cuts will surely affect my colleagues and friends. Life will not be the same. We are living each day as if it may be our last, thanking God for what we have. He seems to say...

"Be still and know that I am God."

As we strive to prepare for the coming of Christ this Christmas, life is not without its weighty concerns. We have friends who are perplexed by job loss, pressured by illness, overwhelmed by financial struggles or relational chasms. Oh, Jesus, the world needs you so much now. And He seems to say...

"Press in, be still and trust me."

My sister gave me a small round delicate box with a scripture on the lid...and the same one inscribed inside: Be still and know that I am God. Ps. 46:10 NIV

As I admired it, I told her the verse was perfect for me right now. Just as I wondered, "what can I put in this beautiful little container?" she said, "I was trying to think of something to put in it for you."

Then it occurred to me, isn't that what we always do? But maybe instead of trying to "do" or "fill," we should appreciate "empty." Instead of planning every minute, crowding our schedules or filling the silence, I feel God is challenging me to preserve the time and space to just be still.

My little box is a new reminder to empty my mind of all the "to do's" and just be still...for a patient, pensive moment...and know that He is God.

Father God, thank you that you are in control. You know all our concerns. Let us be still and listen for your still small voice. Give us the peace that passes all understanding, the true peace of Christmas. You lead the way and we will follow. You are all we need.

1 comment:

  1. Once again, I am so moved by your postings. I am so thankful that you were led to start this blog. God has certainly blessed me with His words and yours! Thank you my friend!
