Monday, January 28, 2019

Lingering words

Her words stung, even though she probably meant no harm. Still, I couldn’t help but feel defensive. What should I have said to better explain? I couldn’t think of the right words, so I stayed silent. Now, that conversation kept replaying in my head.

As I shoveled the snow from my deck, the stinging words came back to me again and again, like the repetitive motion of shoveling and dumping off snow. Because my mind was not otherwise occupied, her words intruded on this peaceful setting. The fresh fallen snow was fluffy and plentiful, and the sun was now shining through the trees, every bough laced in white. Despite the beauty all around me, my mind was focused on petty things.

Then I had a very strong impression in my spirit. “Why would you let her words linger longer than Mine?”

Right. So right!

I read every morning about God’s unfailing love, His abiding strength, His perfect direction, His freely given wisdom, His bountiful blessings and His promises to restore and redeem, and bring beauty from ashes! Why, oh why, aren’t these the words that keep circulating in my brain?

“Why would you let her words linger longer than Mine?”

Thank you, oh gracious God! Yours are the words that are worth repeating.

I so need to stand guard against the wiles of the evil one who uses these tactics to distract me from all that is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy! If he can get me to ruminate on a few words from a conversation, social media post, movie or any other lesser thing, my mind will be engaged with that instead.

But what power there is when I realize this intrusion and swoosh it out (like sweeping the last of the snow from the deck), replacing it with trust and peace, abiding in God’s loving words.

Lord, I will let your sweet words of everlasting love roll around again and again in my mind. Forsaking all others, I will give your words the place they deserve.


  1. Everyone needs to hear this! Such peace would be ours if we let God's words prevail in our thoughts!

  2. Well said, Marilyn. It reminds me of one of my favorite verses. "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, oh Lord my Rock and my Redeemer."

  3. Music to my ears.
    Thank you my dear friend.
    Love you.
