Sunday, December 9, 2012

On Being Still...

A thoughtful gift from my sister.
In a season of many distractions and much to do, I continue to reflect on "being still." I'm trying to let Psalm 46:10 melt into me, once again.

What does it mean to you? As a way of seeking to "soak it in," I'd love to have you comment below and share your reflections, too:

  1. To cease striving.
  2. To appreciate the quiet.
  3. To reflect on the Reason for the Season.
  4. To abide in Him and He in me.
  5. To empty myself and let Him fill me.
  6. To realize that nothing I have to do today is more important than this!
  7. To let go of control and expectations.
  8. To receive from Him what He so wants to give.


  1. To listen and hear what God has to say to me first thing each morning. Make note of it and chew on it all day.

    To continue to dwell on the many blessings that surround me, no matter how small.

    CC in WI

  2. To REALLY trust that he is holding everything and to be OK taking the time to listen. Knowing that if I feel shaken, that it is all part of his plan too. Emptying myself and only filling when it is time and filling only with those things that come from him. Good food for thought for the day. Thank-You!
